Home emergencies don’t often wait until you have all of your financial ducks in a row. At 128 Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electric, we’re proud to offer a few different budget options for installations, maintenance, and repairs. It’s an easy 60-second approval that many customers have taken advantage of!
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call in!
(781) 670-3261
The Mass Save Heat Loan Program
The HEAT Loan Program provides customers the opportunity to apply for a 0% loan from participating lenders to assist with the installation of qualified energy efficient improvements in their homes. The loans are available up to $25,000 (depending on utility & lender) with terms up to 7 years. To qualify for the loan, the customer must own a one-to-four-family residence, obtain a Mass Save Home Energy Assessment, and install qualified energy efficiency measures recommended by a Mass Save representative.