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Trenchless Pipe Repair In Woburn, MA

Looking for trenchless pipe repair in Woburn, MA? Look no more. We are here to help! Trenchless pipe repair in Woburn, MA is one of our top services. The pipes in Woburn, MA are notoriously older and require a lot of maintenance. You may have found yourself dealing with sewer back ups, or pipe breaks. If so, know you are not the only one.

Since the pipes in this area are so old, we are often called for inspections and repairs. With our no dig pipe repair technology, we can quickly access pipes and often fix the problem in the same day. It may sound wild, but it’s true.

Some pipe repair companies offer older pipe repair methods. This can include digging up old pipes and replacing them with new pipes. This process is expensive, old-school, and less effective than no dig pipe repair. Not to mention, digging up old pipes causes damage to your lawn, flower beds, concrete, and sprinklers.

That’s one reason why we offer trenchless pipe repair in Woburn, MA. Another reason is because we have done the research and have found that trenchless pipe repair is just better all around.

One Of The Biggest Causes Of Pipe Damage In Woburn, MA

Before getting too deep into the solution for pipe damage, let’s talk about one of the biggest causes of pipe damage. It’s particularly important to be aware of the causes of pipe if you live in the Woburn, MA area because your area is prone to this problem.

The Woburn, MA area is beautiful and flush with forrest, but this leads to root intrusion. This is especially true because roots are more prone to grow toward areas that collect moisture. Moisture often develops on the outside of pipes, attracting roots and causing obstructions.

If the pipe becomes obstructed, the pipe can begin to hold water. Unfortunately, earlier construction of pipes didn’t plan for this and older pipes don’t have a great watertight seal. As water escapes from joints and roots continue to grow, it can cause more leaks and an eventual collapse, causing a pipe to burst. Another common problem is these roots can break through, block the path, and cause back ups.

Root intrusion can block trains in sewer and storm water drains. This can lead to back ups, leaks, breaks, and more problems. As you can imagine, a problem with a sewer can lead to unsanitary and potential harmful conditions if not treated quickly. Read our complete guide to trenchless pipe lining for more details.

What is the solution for root intrusion?

Now that you are educated on what causes pipes to break and leak, it’s important to know how to fix them.

There are several options for pipe repair, but we have found that CIPP, or no dig pipe repair is the best solution. Let’s talk about why.

Why CIPP in Woburn, MA?

You may be wondering why you would choose CIPP over traditional methods for pipe? The first reason, of course, is that it is more affordable and less of a hassle. However, there are many more reasons to choose modern ways to fix pipes over older methods.

The first is that when you fix your pipes with CIPP, it improves the water flow. We make a perfectly smooth service and it increases the hydraulic capacity. Relined pipes also have a longer life since they are protected from future corrosion or any pinhole leaks

People with older pipes or that choose older methods of pipe repair often experience pipe displacement. When you get a new and hardened epoxy resin liner it will lock the host pipe in place and will prevent further movement. Also, lined pipes don’t have joints. This means you won’t experience any leaking or tree root intrusion, which is one of the biggest causes of pipe damage. The reliner is also so strong that you won’t see any cracks, breaks, or voids.

If you have older pipes, you may have called a plumber in the past to help with maintenance. Overtime, this can get expensive and only treats the symptoms and not the actual problem. When the liner is inserted, it hardness, and creates a permanent protective shield between water contact and the internal area of the pipe. This permanently solves the problem and you won’t have to call anyone in the future to treat symptoms.

If you are looking for a solution that will increase the structural integrity of your pipes and that doesn’t require excavation, then it’s time to look into trenchless pipe repair in Woburn, MA.

How does no dig pipe repair work?

Wondering how no dig pipe repair actually works? Wonder no longer. The first step in no dig pipe repair is to clean and inspect the damaged pipe. This will give technicians an opportunity to find out exactly what the problem is. Once the pipe is inspected, technicians take a measurement so the material can be cut properly to length. Then, the 100% epoxy resin is mixed and poured into the liner. After this step, the pipe liner is loaded into the launching machine and the pipe liner is inserted into the pipe through an inversion process that utilizes air pressure. This is where it gets fun. This process turns the pipe liner material inside out which helps the resin bond with the original pipe. After just 3 short hours, the resin cures. Then, the process is done. You can count on your pipe working for at least 50 more years.

The high quality of service offered with no dig pipe repair is just one reason to select this method. You don’t have to worry about a huge mess nor do you have to worry about your pipes failing in the near future.

Contact us today for trenchless pipe repair in Woburn, MA!

If you are experiencing problems with your pipes in Woburn, MA, the time is now to contact us. Woburn is one of the older areas in the nation, which means the pipes are older, aren’t as strong, and are made out of materials that easily corrode. To combat the old pipes, it’s important to have them inspected by a company like ours that offers top-notch trenchless pipe repair services.

Remember, we can service pipes for both residential and commercial properties. This means it doesn’t matter how large or small your pipes are, we can quickly get to them and fix them. It also doesn’t matter how corroded you think your pipes are, we can fix them. Again, we don’t need to dig up the pipe to do this. Instead, we will fix the pipe from the inside out.

If you’re ready for a consultation about your pipes, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our services. It doesn’t matter what type of problems you may be experiencing with your pipes, we are confident we can answer your questions and solve your problems.

Finally, if one of your pipes burst or is backing up, don’t wait to call. We won’t wait to respond. We will send someone out on an emergency call to fix your pipe right away. We look forward to helping you!

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