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Install A Modern Heating And Cooling System In Reading, MA

Is it time for you to upgrade your HVAC system? Now that we are at the peak of summer, you have probably been noticing hotter weather. And if your current air conditioning unit is old and not running probably, you’ve likely been feeling the heat a little more.

Heating and cooling systems need to be updated to ensure the equipment is running correctly and you are not left sweating (or freezing) during extreme weather. If it’s been a while since your HVAC was replaced, now is the time to install a modern heating and cooling system in Reading to be prepared for any hot or cold scenario.

Be Prepared For Massachusetts Weather

The installation of your HVAC unit is not only to make sure the equipment is up to date and running correctly, but it’s also for you to be comfortable in any weather situation. Massachusetts is notorious for the blistering winters. The last thing you want is to pile on layers of clothing and blankets to stay warm.

But it’s not just the snow that you should be prepared for. While the summers stay pretty mild and are not as sweltering as it is down south, Massachusetts still experiences summers with an average of 80 degrees. However, there are a few rare days where Reading, Massachusetts, may experience higher temperatures in the summer like they did last year, so why not be prepared?

When your home is not at your comfort level, it can become unbearable. Everyone has their temperature preferences, and when your heating and air conditioning system can not function right, it can make for some uncomfortable times. That’s why it’s always best to make sure your HVAC equipment is up to date or has a repair to make sure you are not left fanning yourself with open windows or thawing out from lots of clothes and blankets.

When To Repair Your HVAC System

The trick to staying comfortable in your home throughout the year is to be on top of your heating and cooling systems service. Knowing when it’s time to replace your unit can be beneficial for you and your family.

Here are some signs it’s time to install a new heat and air conditioning system:

  1. It’s decades-old
  2. Your energy bill is skyrocketing
  3. The system is being constantly repaired
  4. Your temperatures are not where they should be
  5. There are odd sounds or noises
  6. Dust in your home has increased

Your HVAC system is no doubt an essential item in your home. It’s what keeps everything functioning properly and cleans out the air that’s coming into your home. With that being said, if it’s been a few decades since your home has seen a new heating and cooling system installed, it’s time to get a modern one.

Heat and air conditioning units are only meant to last between 25-30 years. The older your unit gets, the more it will decrease in efficiency and function. Since it’s responsible for comfortable temperatures and putting clean air in your home for you to breathe, you should replace it when the time comes. It’s not good to keep relying on an outdated system when the health of your family is at stake.

If you notice that your energy bill coming in every month is increasing, this is another sign that it may be time for you to replace your unit. You can tell that a heating and air conditioning system is old or worn out when it has to use more energy to run to heat or cool your home. Modern HVAC systems are made with energy-efficient equipment so that your energy bill is not going up but staying at a low cost.

With that said, if you have to throw money at HVAC repairs constantly, that is another sign you need a system upgrade. Heating and cooling systems are not meant to drain your wallet of high energy bills or repairs. Yes, your system may need to be tuned or fixed every so often. Parts break or need fixing sometimes, but if your HVAC team has to make regular stops at your home, put the money you waste into a newer system that will not need so many repairs.

You will also be able to tell that your current heating and air conditioning system is not working as it should. You may begin seeing things like uneven temperatures, hearing odd noises or smelling smells, and you see more dust around your home.

These are obvious signs that you might be installing a modern heating and air unit soon since this means something is wrong with your current one. Uneven temperatures in your home mean that your unit can not function correctly to cool or heat your home at its normal temperature. Because of this, your home might be too hot or too cold compared to the temperature outside.

Odd noises and smells or a build-up of dust are also signs that your system is not doing its job. The strange noises and smells can likely be fixed with the help of a technician, but a build-up of dust is highly harmful to your family. This means that your system is not working to filter the air in your home at a safe level. Since heating and cooling systems bring outdoor air into your home, you do not want your system to allow pollutants to slip through the filters and into your home.

Keep the air in your home safe and your energy bills down with a modern heating and air system installation. If you are experiencing any of the signs above, you’ll be glad you updated!

The Importance Of A Modern Heating And Cooling System

Modern HVAC systems are created to filter the air in your home better and improve the function of older systems. In addition, newer systems keep your home heated and chilled more efficiently since their services are being updated.

Including a modern HVAC in your home can incorporate more substantial air quality and performing systems to cool or heat your home to your ideal temperature. There are also technological advancements and corrections being made to these systems that your family can benefit from.

Services Of Modern HVAC Units

Thanks to modern technology, advancements are being made to modern HVAC units to benefit your house better than older services. In addition, modern heating and air conditioning units are being made more energy-efficient, which means your monthly energy bill should decrease and become more consistent.

With all these modern advancements, newer equipment is now starting to see SMART technology inclusion and moisture control. The recent moisture control options allow homeowners to divide their homes into heated and cooler sections to balance temperatures, which also provides a balance in comfort and price.

Think Water

Some heating and cooling systems are using water to control air and surprisingly provide heat. These hydronic systems are becoming more popular because of how efficient their performance is.

Hydronic systems use water to transfer heat through a boiler and pipes, which uses less energy than a standard HVAC unit. These systems are installed in walls or ceilings and heat the floors or walls instead of going through ductwork. Homeowners who install hydronic systems do not have to worry about any transfer of harmful pollutants since their design and function are much different.

If you are interested in a hydronic system, consult with your installation team.

Budgeting For A New Heating System

Newer heating and air conditioning units are not cheap, but they are essential for your home. Of course, budgeting will play a factor in the unit you choose when it comes time for a new unit. But, you should keep in mind the importance of selecting an efficient system and not just one that will save you money now.

Newer heating and air conditioning systems have different costs depending on the type you choose. A central air conditioning unit is the most popular and will likely be the one you choose. These average between $2,500-$7,000. Your unit and zip code size will also play a factor in price, so you should be aware of this.

If you decide to go ductless, note that the installation of this service is higher than a central ac unit. Still, ductless systems save money on the back end. In addition, since you have more control over the use of ductless systems and they do not require more energy to function, they have a cheaper monthly expense than the standard unit does.

To help with costs, most installation companies have financing plans to help reduce the amount you pay upfront. In addition, while you are looking for a new unit, take advantage of any promotions or off-season sales being offered. However, do not let price steer you away from a high-performing system that will power your house effectively and keep your air clean. Since these systems are vital for your living, your budget may need to be flexible.

How To Take Care Of Your Modern Heat And Air Conditioning System

Preserving your modern heating and air conditioning system is essential for the lifespan and performance. You can do things to keep up with the maintenance of your heating and cooling system equipment to make sure you deal with minimal repairs, and it stays running correctly.

Many people have problems with their HVAC units because it’s not an item they remember to clean consistently. While you do not have to clean your unit every week like you should your house, you should have it routinely checked at least twice a year by a technician. In addition, you should have your unit scoped out by a professional before the summer and before the winter to make sure your equipment will work properly during the inclement seasons.

It is better to catch any repairs you will need before the hot or cold shows up, and you have to spend some time in uncomfortable temperatures.

Another small maintenance tip you should perform consistently is to swap out the air filter in your home. You would be surprised at how many homeowners forget to do this simple task and how big of a mistake this can be.

Your air filter is what traps pollutants and other harmful air quality pests from getting into your house. When you don’t clean your air filter, it becomes too clogged and can lead to allergens being released in your home, and ice could form on the coils in the unit.

Your outdoor compressor is also not to be forgotten. You should inspect the outdoor area and make sure it is free of leaves or debris that can float around outside, and you should clean the coils out every few months.

Cleaning the outdoor compressor is easy and can be done yourself. First, turn off the thermostat and power, then spray down the coils. Next, add a coil cleaner and let it sit for about 15 minutes before you scrub with a coil cleaner brush and rinse it off again. When you turn everything back on, listen for any weird sounds to ensure nothing was messed up while you cleaned it.

What To Expect With Reading HVAC Installation

After finding the right team to help with your HVAC installation, the actual work begins! Knowing what to expect from a modern HVAC installation can help ease your nerves for the big day.

First, your team should schedule a day and time of your convenience to install the new unit. A person from your home should be there when the team arrives to make sure things run smoothly during the installation. When the day and time are selected, the team will arrive with the new unit and get to work.

There are two types of large installations to be done: the outside compressor and the inside ductwork. Your team will first spend time taking down any of the old equipment and repairing the ductwork if that is necessary. Depending on the size and type of your modern unit, modifications to the inside ductwork may also need to be made to work with the newer equipment.

Your team will then begin installing the new systems once the old one is out. Depending on the size and type of your newer equipment, electrical wiring may need to be altered to configure best. For example, if you live in an older home, there may be an area inside your home that needs to host the newer unit if it comes with an inside piece.

If you are going with a ductless system, your home will need to be prepared to accompany the boxes on the wall. You should make sure your rooms have walls that are cleared for the box. For example, your ductless system needs to be on the wall where no curtains or objects block it. Ductless systems need to be spaced out from flammable items so that the heat and the air have enough room to filter safely.

When everything is installed, your team will then test out the new unit to ensure everything in the installation was hooked up correctly. This will include running the unit and your team inspecting it to make sure the parts are good to go.

Modern HVAC installations typically run for a few hours, so unless anything major occurs during installation, it should only take about 4-8 hours. Your team may call after a month of the new unit running to ensure everything is still working correctly and there are no issues with your new system.

Call The Best Service In Reading, MA To Install Your Heating And Air Conditioning

Is it time to update your heating and cooling system? If so, call us! 128 Plumbing are the pros in the Reading, MA, area who can give your home the comfort and energy-efficient service it needs with the installation of a modern HVAC unit.

We understand how important it is not only for comfort but for your health to have a properly running heating and cooling system. Our clients in the Reading area have trusted us for the last 29 years to install units in their homes and to make sure they are up-to-date with the latest in leading technology.

Don’t wait any longer to install your modern heating and air conditioning unit. Call us today at 781-670-3261 to speak to a representative about your new unit installation.

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