When it comes to handling an electrical emergency in your home, there are two things you need to do:
o Recognize the emergency itself.
o Take the right steps to make the call and find Melrose electricians that can handle the situation.
At 128 Plumbing, we can help you with both of these. We’ve been handling electrical emergencies and doing the required for years in Melrose, Melrose Park the surrounding towns and counties, and even up into NH, so we know how important both of these requirements are.
Let’s take a look at some of the issues that are involved so you can get your electrical emergency in Melrose handled by experienced, trusted and reliable electricians who can solve your problems or issues and restore normal electrical service.
What to Do During an Electrical Emergency
The first thing to do is to recognize the emergency itself. Here are some of the most basic and common ones, along with what some of the signs are.
o If your lights are flickering and it’s not a bulb replacement problem, you may have an electrical emergency.
o Burning wires. The smell his harsh and acrid, and if you smell it anywhere in your home, it’s time to call an electrician.
o Smoke coming from an electrical outlet. The smell is different—not as acrid, obviously—but still nasty. Give us a call at 128 Plumbing so we can send out a dependable experienced trusted electrician.
o Hot service panel. This usually goes with burning wires or smoking outlets, but if you touch the panel and it’s hot, that’s confirmation that you have a genuine emergency.
o Breaker box noise. Breaker boxes are designed to emit a buzzing sound if there’s a serious problem, so if you hear this in your basement or utility closet, call us immediately.
o Lighting issues. Flickering lights can be a sign of an emergency if the problem is occurring in multiple lamps and bulbs.
o Devices that won’t turn on. If you try your devices on multiple outlets and it won’t go on, it’s time to call an electrician.
Making the Call During a Melrose Electrical Emergency
During most electrical emergencies, it’s a good idea to shut off your power, and in some emergency situations this is mandatory.
If your electrical emergency leaves you without power, though, you need to check the neighborhood to see if other houses or stores in the area have no lights or electrical services.
It’s also a good idea to call emergency services like fire and police if it’s an urgent situation and you’re not sure whether that’s already been done.
Make sure you describe your emergency situation as accurately as you can when you make the call. Any part numbers you can give us on appliances, your panel or any other relevant area will help us provide faster service—the more we know, the better equipped we are to help you.
Finally, make sure we have access to any areas affected by the emergency. That means your kitchen, bathroom and basement, including service panels, outlets, appliances, and anything else that’s part of the problem.
Once again, this helps us provide fast service, and in some emergencies it can prevent house fires or be the difference between life and death.
Wiring Issues that Constitute and Electrical Emergency
Wiring problems can be simple or they can be complicated. The simple ones can be fixed with basic repairs after you make the call, but some can be a genuine emergency.
Older wiring like tube wiring often falls into this category, too. Sometimes the wiring leads into your heating system, and we need to learn where things are to be able to solve the problem.
What Makes an Electrician Great for Emergency Electrical Services in Melrose
Emergency Repairs and Commercial Electrical Services
Sometimes emergency electrical repairs are related to the commercial electrical services we also provide
A power outage, for instance, can be caused by a problem with a commercial building, but it can also affect all the residences in the Melrose area.
This is part of the reason many of our emergency services electricians have experience in both residential and commercial system installation and repair.
It helps them recognize problems faster, which leads to better, quicker solutions, and it’s one of the many benefits of going with 128 Plumbing for all your emergency electrical service needs.
How Contractors Handle Emergency Services in Melrose
Some contractors are well equipped to handle electrical emergencies, but others simply supply electrical services as an adjunct to what they build or service.
Contractors who do this are sometimes overwhelmed by a serious electrical emergency situation, and many simply don’t have the resources to handle them.
At 128 Plumbing, we do. We’re licensed contractors for many of the government agencies and entities that regulate electrical services, which means they rely on us to handle problems during an electrical emergency.
Get the Best Emergency Services and Repairs in Melrose with 128 Plumbing
It’s important to note how much experience we have dealing with emergency electrical situation and providing the appropriate repairs in Melrose. We’ve been doing it for a long time, so we know the town and the area.
We can get to you fast and solve your problems quickly and efficiently, and we guarantee our services once the emergency has passed.
After that happens, we can get you on a maintenance and repair plan. This allows us to spot and diagnose necessary replacement issues or repairs before they become a true emergency, and this can save you thousands of dollars, not to mention the safety of your home and your family.
To find out more, call us at either (888) 419-4233 or (781) 670-326. We’ll answer any questions you may have about the emergency electrical services you need, and we’ll tell you anything you want to know about our electricians and the teams we send out on after hours calls.
To get more information, you can also go to 128Plumbing.com and start a live chat, and we have some great blogs and articles there to help educate you about how to get the emergency services you need.