When it comes to home ownership in Melrose, few decisions are more important than the one you make when you choose a company to maintain and repair you HVAC system.
Indeed, to a large extent your daily comfort depends on it, so it’s important to get the right information about the companies you’re considering.
But what kind of company should you go with? That one-man outfit with years of experience doing smaller jobs who has plenty of good reviews? The up-and-coming company with an impressive fleet of vans and vehicles? Or should you go with a larger company that has both longevity and a successful track record?
At 128 Plumbing, we do residential heating and cooling can add a couple of new elements to the argument. We have expertise, experience and great reviews, but we still outwork and outperform the smaller HVAC companies on a regular basis.
In the sections that follow, we’ll give you a couple of other important things to consider as you make your decision.
Comprehensive Service and Maintenance for Your Heating and Cooling System
While some of the problems with residential HVAC systems are simple, many aren’t. Today’s HVAC systems are sophisticated, and they’re being built to last and save you money on your energy bills.
So let’s say you go with that guy in the van who has years of experience. If your system has a problem in which your electrical system is part of the issue, the first thing he’s going to do is call in an electrician,
Now you’re paying two people to do one job, and one of them is someone you don’t know. The repair might get done right, but in some instances it isn’t, and you’re left trying to figure out who’s responsible for not doing it right.
At 128 Plumbing, that won’t happen. We’ve dealt with every kind of HVAC maintenance and repair issue out there, and we’ve been doing it for decades in Melrose and beyond.
If your issue is simple, we’ll send out a qualified HVAC tech to do it right. But if your problem requires a more extensive diagnosis problem, we’ll send out a team that will include an electrician, a plumber or both.
That extra expertise and versatility will help get the problem solved faster, and you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that everyone you’re dealing with has been trained by one of the best HVAC companies in the business.
How Electricians Help With Heating Service
Now let’s look at a specific example where our versatility comes into play. Let’s say a breaker trips on your electrical panel or you blow a fuse. At the same time, your furnace dies, leaving you without heat.
What do you do?
When you call 128 Plumbing, a qualified HVAC team leader or tech will be your primary contact, but we’ll also send out one of our electricians as well.
There are several reasons for this. One of the possibilities is that you have a relay in the blower motor of your furnace that’s become overloaded to the point where it tripped the breaker.
The electrician will help the HVAC tech pinpoint the problem, and if the relay needs to be replaced they can do it quickly and efficiently without disrupting your daily schedule.
Let’s say that’s not the problem, though. Maybe there’s a hidden problem in your electrical system that contributed to the overload, and if that’s the case our electrician will do a thorough analysis of your panel and wiring.
This may lead to a second repair that most HVAC people wouldn’t be able to spot, and even if they did they’d have to call in an electrician. But you’ll be covered regardless of the issue because we have the expertise to fix any problem.
Now let’s look at a different kind of repair that also illustrates the importance of our versatility. Let’s say you use a boiler to heat your home, and suddenly you start to have problems.
When you head down to the basement to try to figure out the source of the problem, you quickly get an important clue about the cause—a fast-spreading puddle of water underneath your boiler.
The solution to your problem may be as simple as replacing your boiler, but it may not. It’s a problem that demands a certain level of plumbing expertise, and we’ll send a plumber out as part of our team to do a thorough diagnosis.
That plumber may find other issues as well. Maybe there are water pressure issues further back in your pipes that are contributing to your boiler issues, and you may even have a leak that’s one of the root causes of the problem.
The Teamwork Factor For an Installation
These are just two examples of how teamwork comes into play when you go with 128 Plumbing as your HVAC company.
We run into problems that require electricians and plumbers to work with our HVAC techs all the time, and they’re highly trained professionals who add an extra layer of expertise you simply can’t get with most companies.
Now let’s consider one last scenario. Let’s say you’ve finally decided to replace your ancient furnace or boiler and you’re going to go with a highly efficient new unit that’s going to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, all while saving you a lot of money in energy costs.
It’s a great idea, but chances are you need a team to install the unit properly. You also need a complete set of tests run once it’s in place to verify basic operation, the electrical parameters and the overall energy efficiency.
When you hire 128 Plumbing to do the job, you get the peace of mind that comes with using an expert team. In addition, you can also get great maintenance and service plans that will keep your new HVAC system running in peak condition for years to come.
Not only that, but our expertise in both heating and cooling means we’ll be there for you in the summer. We do residential heating and cooling, and we’re just as good at maintaining and diagnosing AC systems as we are fixing furnaces and boilers.
If you’re looking for the best company to meet your residential cooling and heating needs, you need to call 128 Plumbing. The numbers are (888) 419-4233 or (781) 670-3261, and we’ll answer your questions and tell you more about why we’re your best choice.
To get more information us, go to 128Plumbing.com and start a live chat, and we have some great blogs and articles there to help educate you about our services and how we work.